Kaori Sakiyama continues to knock down her opponents one after another when street fighting. Impressed by Sakiyama's sense of fighting, Tomiko, a professional woman wrestler asks her to join a wresting tag team called Fami-Wrestlers. During there conversation, Sakiyama tells Tomiko about Maki. Tomiko finds it hard to believe that a young high school student could be stronger than Sakiyama and challenges the Air Master to a fight where she is easily defeated and received injuries that will take a month to heal. By force of circumstance, the Fami-Wrestlers became a combination of Sakiyama and Maki. The opponent they meet at the ring on the day of the match, "Matoba," seems to be acquainted with Sakiyama from her own high school days. As Matoba, a former acquaintance whispers something into Sakiyama's ear, Sakiyama's disposition immediately changes. A fierce battle is about to begin.
Die Fami-Wrestlers müssen in einem Wrestling-Match antreten und unter ihren Gegnern befindet sich auch eine alte Bekannte, die Erinnerungen in Sakiyama Kaori wachruft – und unbändige Wut.
مُصارِعة حُرّة محترِفة تضمّ ساكياما وماكي إلى الفريق الثنائي وذلك تحت مُسمّى مُصارعي فامي. هل تتمكّن سيّدة الهواء من تغيير أسلوبها بما يتناسب مع أسلوب المصارعة الحرّة؟ أم أنّها ستحافظ على أسلوبها القتالي الخاص؟