Although the kidnapped Mina was rescued from the hands of the Black Alliance, Tsukio, Reiichi, and Shinnosuke are soon overwhelmed by the growing number of the Black Alliance. Tsukio realizes that they would soon be annihilated and orders Shinnosuke and Reiichi to flee from the scene carrying Mina. However, they are soon cornered by the growing number of Black Alliance members. At the same time, there is a man with a dignified look sitting in a cafe' calling out the leaders of the Black Alliance. He is the president of Black Alliance of Justice and Sincerity "Kinjiro Kitaeda," also known as "Kin-chan." In realizing what has done, Kinjiro becomes agitated and hit one of his members with all his might! And finally, Maki arrives to find Mina! At last, the fight of Black Alliance of Righteousness and Sincerity vs. Maki starts!
Mina wird erneut von der Schwarzen Allianz entführt und Maki kann sie nicht finden. Nach Tsukio müssen sich nun also Shinnosuke und Reiichi beweisen, doch dann taucht der Anführer der Allianz auf …
تُنفّذ مهمّة إنقاذ وذلك لاستعادة مينا من قبضةِ الحلف الأسود. لكن ليس كلّ شيء يسير على ما يُرام. حيث تتعرّض المهمّة لمطبّات وعوائق.