Home / Series / ダイヤのA / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 47
Home / Series / ダイヤのA / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 173

Under the Feet

Summer University has finally begun. Yura Sogo and Sakaki, who will be the opponent of the first match of the blue road, pull the shin and wait for the day of the match. Rivals Inami and Narumiya also pitched in the first match. Shows the attitude of Inami baseball, which does not create a gap even if it is a subordinate opponent. A leading school in the district that cuts the fire of battle all at once at stadiums around the world. And finally, the day has come for Sawamura to rise to the mound as an ace ──!

日本語 Português - Portugal English français 한국어 大陆简体 العربية
Name Type Role
Takahiro Udagawa Writer Screenplay
Kenji Konuta Writer Series Composition
Mitsuyuki Masuhara Director Series Director
Tamao Hayashi Director Episode Director
Park Jae-ik Director Episode Director