The seniors convince Coach Kataoka to let them have their graduation game before the upcoming tournament and before the tourney drawings take place. Kataoka asks them if they are just impatient, but Yuki tells him this final game is the only way to give the new team the strength they will need to move on. Kataoka realizes the seniors have one final lesson to share, and the game begins. Sawamura wonders if he will be able to pitch.
Les terminale donnent tout ce qu'ils ont dans le match qui les oppose aux seconde et aux première. Miyuki décide de les affronter de front pour leur rendre honneur.
카타오카 감독의 사임 이야기를 듣고 크게 동요하는 1,2 학년팀. 그 상황에서 미유키는 후루야의 과제였던 페이스 배분을 무시하고 전력으로 던질 것을 요구하는데…