In her first year class, a classmate named Yutaka becomes overly friendly towards Tooru, which bothers her a bit. Meanwhile, a new health teacher, Mr. Satō, becomes attracted towards Run due to her forehead, which naturally bothers Tooru. It is later revealed that Satō is physically weak himself. As Yutaka becomes increasingly clingy to Tooru, her friend Miho tries to keep her in check, though this admittedly makes Tooru feel lonely.
1학년 교실을 엿보게 된 룬, 나기, 유코는 생각치 못했던 토오루의 우등생다운 면모를 보게 된다. 한편 토오루의 동급생 유타카는 토오루와 친해지기 위해 적극적인 대쉬를 걸어오기 시작하는데...