Run gets into a little trouble when she forgets to put on her underwear in the morning. Yūko goes into a little panic when Run collapses, though it turns out to be just a bit of sleep deprivation. After having to deal with heavy rain, the girls spend the evening at Nagi's house to dry off. While Run and Nagi take a bath, Tooru forces Yūko to sit through a scary movie before continuing to tease her during their bath time. A little while later, the girls leave with some umbrellas they borrowed, but soon return after Yūko gets herself dirty again.
아침에 약한 룬은, 잠에 취해 그만 한 쪽 양말을 신는 것을 깜빡하고 만다.
그러나 그 보다 훨씬 더 중요한 부분을 룬이 깜빡한 걸 눈치 채고 함께 있던 토오루는 경악하는데..
방과 후, 갑자기 비가 오게 된다. 우산을 가져오지 않은 4명은 나기의 집에 가서 옷을 말리기로 하는데...