Chiho is annoyed at how Masago has pretty much made the Kagari family residence his home by constantly playing dating sims there. Both of them grow close as she starts showing her own tsundere side to him as well.
Chiho trouve que Matsuo squatte trop souvent chez elle. Malgré tout, ça n'a pas l'air de lui déplaire tant que ça.
いつものように松尾があっくんの家でゲームをしていました。千穂はそんな松尾に「いいかげん家で女の子落とすゲームすんのやめてくんない?」といつもの風景。しかし、この日松尾がゲームをしながら千穂に発した言葉は、いつもと様子が違っていて…… 。
Chiho e Matsuo estão sempre discutindo. Eles estão mais pra amigos ou inimigos?