「地球の敵か……上等だ! 俺は地球、とっくに捨ててンだ」 凶弾に倒れたブンドリオ。 大也は蘇生しようと試みるが、 ブンドリオは微動だにしない…。 一心不乱に手を動かす大也。 未来たちに休むよう諭されるも 取り乱した大也には誰の声も届かない。 そして射士郎の忠告通り、 情報操作により地球の敵となっていくブンブンジャー。 大也たちを批判するシュプレヒコールが響く街中。 世論はハシリヤンを支援し始めている。 光なき混沌の世界、 紫の閃光と共に現れた始末屋は何を語るのか──。
"An enemy of the Earth?... Whatever! I've already abandoned Earth." Bundrio falls to the ground after being shot down. Daiya tries to revive him, but Bundrio doesn't budge... Daiya continues to work his hands in complete concentration. Mirai and the others tell him to rest, but Daiya is so distraught that no one can hear them. And just as Ishirou warned, Bunbunger becomes the enemy of the Earth by manipulating information. Slogans criticizing Daiya and his friends echo through the streets. Public opinion is beginning to support Hashiriyan. In a world of chaos without light, what will the hitman who appears with a purple flash have to say?