「悲鳴が人の幸せを作るんだ」 大也の資産や特許がライトニング・テックに移譲された。 寝耳に水の事態に、 内藤と直接話をしようと車に乗り込む大也。 二人の思い出の丘で待っていた内藤は 大也の知る優しい先生ではなく、 冷酷で、非情で、現実的な大人として立っていた。 人は他人の不幸を以て自らの幸せを感じられる。 そんな悲しい仕組みで地球は回っていると語る内藤。 子供たちの笑顔を願う大也と内藤はもはや相入れない。 そしてついにスピンドーが現れ、窮地に陥る大也。 仲間たちが助けに来るが、次々に地に伏していく惨劇。 最後の希望であるブンドリオが駆けつけるも、 届け屋の手が、届かない──。
"Screams make people happy." Daiya's assets and patents have been transferred to Lightning Tech. Taking this as a complete surprise, Daiya gets in his car to talk to Naito directly. Waiting for him at the hill of their memories, Naito is not the kind teacher Daiya knows, but a cold, ruthless, and realistic adult. People can feel their own happiness from the misfortune of others. Naito says that this is the sad system that makes the world go round. Daiya and Naito, who wish for children to smile, can no longer get along. Finally, Spindo appears and Daiya finds himself in a difficult position. His friends come to his rescue, but one by one, they fall to the ground in a tragedy. Bundrio, Daiya's last hope, rushes to the scene, but the delivery man's hand is out of reach.