待ちに待った富良洲高校の修学旅行! 京都にやってきた宝太郎たち。 加治木いわく、京都では最近UFOが目撃されているらしく、 言われるがまま修学旅行の研修テーマはUFO探しに。 そんな中、加治木が運命の女性との出会いを果たす!? 一方、京都でもクロトーの目撃情報が。 彼女の目的とは一体? ところがケミーたちを家にお留守番させてしまった宝太郎。 仮面ライダーになれない!!! どうする宝太郎!?そして加治木の恋の行方とは・・・?
The long-awaited Furasu High School school trip! Houtarou and his friends come to Kyoto. According to Kajiki, UFOs have recently been sighted in Kyoto, so the theme of the school trip is to search for UFOs. Meanwhile, Kajiki meets the woman of his destiny! ? Meanwhile, there are reports of sightings of Kuroto in Kyoto as well. What exactly is her purpose? However, Houtarou leaves Kemmy and the others at home. I can't become Kamen Rider! ! ! What should Houtarou do? ? And what will happen to Kajiki's love...?