Pika se z vsemi močmi prizadeva, da bi njihova restavracija ohranila naziv najboljše restavracije v mestu. Da bi povečali priljubljenost restavracije, se trudi uvesti nove ideje, nov red, nov meni, toda vse se ustavi pri Chefu, ki vztraja pri starem. Medtem si Luka vztrajno in ne popolnoma brezuspešno prizadeva pridobiti Pikino pozornost.
Pika is working hard to ensure that their restaurant retains its title as the best restaurant in town. To increase the restaurant's popularity, she tries to introduce new ideas, a new order, a new menu, but everything stops with Chef, who insists on the old one. Meanwhile, Luka is trying, persistently and not entirely without success, to get Pika's attention.