Med gosti restavracije naj bi bil skrit kulinarični kritik in Pika hoče na vsak način ugotoviti, kdo bi to bil. A skupaj s krogom osumljencev raste tudi število nesporazumov. Ker zna Miha dobro prisluhniti, prejme dragocen nasvet od gosta in pohvalo lastnika restavracije. Luka brani svoje kulinarične sposobnosti, Chef pa svoj vodilni položaj v kuhinji.
There is supposed to be a hidden food critic among the restaurant's guests and Pika wants to find out who it is. But as the suspects grow, so do the misunderstandings. Because Miha is a good listener, he receives a valuable tip from a guest and a compliment from the restaurant owner. Luka defends his culinary skills and Chef defends his leading position in the kitchen.