新旧2つの「映像の世紀」を合体させた豪華版。世界初の有人飛行を成功させた直後に軍用機を開発したライト兄弟、ナチスのもとで培った弾道ミサイルの技術によってアメリカのアポロ計画を成功させたフォン・ブラウン、マンハッタン計画の責任者として原爆を生み出しながら戦後は水爆開発に反対したオッペンハイマー博士。科学者と戦争の宿命的な関係を描く。(初回放送:BSプレミアム 2016年)
This gorgeous edition combines two "The 20th Century on Film", the old and the new. The Wright Brothers, who developed military aircraft shortly after they succeeded in the world's first manned flight; Von Braun, who succeeded in the U.S. Apollo program with the ballistic missile technology he developed under the Nazis; and Dr. Oppenheimer, who was responsible for the Manhattan Project and created the atomic bomb but opposed the development of the hydrogen bomb after the war. The film depicts the fateful relationship between scientists and war.