変幻自在の攻撃でポイントを積み上げてきた“シーズン5王者”ザコシショウ。残りは5人、誰が王者を止めるのか?笑いのツボはどこにあるのか?一撃必殺で逆転を狙い、集中砲火が始まった。タイムアップの瞬間まで続いたノーガードの潰し合い…衝撃と拍手喝采の結末が待っていた。(C)2019 YD Creation
Zakoshisho, the "Season 5 Champion," has been racking up points with his ever-changing attacks. With only five contestants remaining, who will stop the reigning champion? Where are the comedy sweet spots? In a bid to turn the tables with a decisive blow, the concentrated barrage begins. The unguarded clash continues until the time is up... A conclusion filled with shock and applause awaits.