開始から3時間20分が経過し、危険な時間帯に突入。エアポケットに入ったかのように、なぜか笑ってしまう挑戦者が続出。そこに助っ人&ゾンビが容赦ない奇襲を仕掛けてくる!そして部屋に響き渡ったのは“あの大物芸人”の叫び声…戦士たちのメンタルは限界へと近づいてゆく。(C)2019 YD Creation
Three hours and twenty minutes into the show, the contest enters a dangerous phase. As if caught in an air pocket, the challengers inexplicably find themselves laughing uncontrollably. At this moment, reinforcements and zombies launch a relentless surprise attack! The room resonates with the scream of "that famous comedian"... The warriors' mental endurance is pushed to its limit.