女芸人たちの猛攻は激しさを増す。「策士」友近にあやつられた、ゆりやん・春菜らが変幻自在の攻撃で1人ずつ挑戦者をロックオンし、窮地へと追い込んでいく。だが、男芸人も負けてはいない。スリムクラブ・真栄田が予測不能のネタを放つと、ドキュメンタルで稀に見る爆笑が響き渡った。(C)2018 YD Creation
The fierce onslaught of the female comedians intensifies. Manipulated by the "strategist" Tomochika, Yuriyan and Haruna lock onto each challenger with ever-changing attacks, driving them into a corner. However, the male comedians aren't backing down either. When Slim Club's Maeda unleashes an unpredictable gag, the room erupts with rare bouts of laughter, echoing throughout the show.