序盤から激しく手数を出し合う挑戦者たち。細かい笑いを仕掛けるショージと、それにダメ出しをする藤本が不穏な空気に…。そんな中、女芸人たちにスイッチが入った。突然はじまる絶妙な4人の合体技が他の挑戦者を追い詰めていく。1人また1人とペナルティカードを食らう中、ついに最初の脱落者が…。(C)2018 YD Creation
From the beginning, the challengers exchange a flurry of moves. Shoji, who throws in subtle jokes, and Fujimoto, who criticizes them, create a tense atmosphere. Amidst this, the female comedians get into their groove. Suddenly, they start executing perfect four-person combo techniques, which push the other challengers into a corner. As one after another receives penalty cards, the first dropout finally emerges...