In town, there have been a series of incidents where young women have had all the blood drained from their body while they are still alive. Kitaro can't believe it could possibly be another vampire, and if it is, he wonders why vampires keep appearing. Then he learns from the witch Agnes, a European youkai, that Backbeard made use of lifeblood and there are signs of his resurrection. That's why all the blood-draining youkai are trying to gather blood. She also hints that a vampire even stronger than Vampire Elite, la Seine, might have come to Japan. Kitaro is convinced that he is the one behind the recent incidents and goes to investigate. Who is this vampire la Seine?!
Des victimes retrouvées exsangues poussent Kitarô à enquêter, et il apprend d'Agnès que le vampire noble, La Seine, récolte du sang humain pour ramener Backbeard à la vie...
O mundo yokai está em confusão quando começam a aparecer mais pessoas atacadas por vampiros. Tudo aponta para um yokai Ocidental, e nossos heróis precisam da ajuda de Agnes para solucionar este problema.
Die Blutsauger-Vorfälle nehmen kein Ende. Nach Elite scheint ein weiterer Vampir auf den Plan getreten zu sein – und der ist wesentlich mächtiger. Kitarō und die anderen untersuchen, was dahintersteckt.