Ametani Kantarou is a handsome, bespectacled bachelor who works at a publishing company. His colleagues perceive him as a quick and efficient worker that everyone can trust, but in reality he always plays hooky and goes to eat sweets. ~~Based on the manga "Saboriman Ametani Kantarou" by Tensei Hagiwara and Abidi Inoue
- Kantaro - The Sweet Tooth Salaryman
Il rappresentante editoriale Kantaro liquida a tempo di record le visite ai clienti per dedicarsi segretamente alla sua passione: i dolci più sfiziosi.
출판사의 영업사원으로 근무하는 주인공이 일을 최대한 빨리 끝내고 남은 시간에는 스위트의 세계에 빠지는 이야기
Commercial dans une maison d'édition haut de gamme, Kantaro ne s'attarde jamais chez ses clients. Sa seule passion : la quête secrète de sucreries exquises...
Eliittijulkaisujen myyntimies Kantaro hoitaa asiakaskäynnit ennätysajassa voidakseen antautua salaiselle paheelleen, herkuttelulle.