Troisième pays le plus grand du continent africain, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) est l'un des territoires les plus riches en matières premières au monde. On y trouve du cobalt, du cuivre, du zinc, de l'or et des diamants. Eugène, un commerçant, a un camion chargé de marchandises et doit partir de Lubumbashi, capitale économique du pays, pour rejoindre sa ville natale, Bukama, 650 kilomètres plus au nord. Ici, le camion constitue le seul moyen pour acheminer le fret, car il n'y a pas d'aéroport.
Our cameras focused on Katanga, a province located in the south of the DRC, which concentrates three quarters of the country's wealth. We accompany Eugène, a trader who has a truck loaded with goods and who has to leave Lubumbashi, the economic capital of the country, to reach his hometown, Bukama, 650 kilometers further north. Here, the train only works once in ten; the truck remains the only way to transport the goods, because there is no airport. The journey from Lubumbashi to Bukama takes four days. At the wheel: Domingo, the prince of the road, assisted by three conveyors: they hang on the outside of the truck and are the eyes and ears of the driver.