Home / Series / Time Wrap / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 330851
  • Created October 7, 2010
  • Modified October 7, 2010
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 Rotura de piedras 25
S01E02 Motosierras y mezcladoras 25
S01E03 Bomba de hielo seco 25
S01E04 Fuel Girls 25
S01E05 Taser 25
S01E06 Maniquí de pruebas humano 25
S01E07 Maestros samurais de la espada 25
S01E08 Free Runner 25
S01E09 Nitrógeno líquido 25
S01E10 Látigo 25
S01E11 Breakdance 25
S01E12 Paintball 25
S01E13 Bicicletas Urbanas 25
S01E14 Animadoras 25
S01E15 Tiradores 25
S01E16 Esquí acuático descalzo 25
S01E17 Especialistas 25
S01E18 Modificación corporal 25
S01E19 Trampas 25
S01E20 Herramientas para el césped 25

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