Paradistorg är en vacker grosshandlarvilla fylld av snickarglädje och familjehistoria. Hit kommer Katha varje sommar och hoppas att få uppleva den idyll som hon minns från barndomen. Men påfrestande traditioner, skavande familjeband och själsliga sår är svåra att komma undan. När Kathas gamla väninna Emma kommer på besök och reagerar mot Kathas försök att stänga ute omvärlden under sommarmånaderna är det droppen som får bägaren att rinna över.
Conventions of civility among family members are severely strained by the very real breakup of the bonds between them. During a few days at a vacation home, Katha, a woman in late middle age, tries to cope with an influx of discontented, disconnected relatives. Her divorced daughter brings all sorts of people to the house, including a woman-friend accompanied by her psychotic son; the grandfather of the house is convinced he is dying and is satisfied by nothing; and some friends drop off their angry teenage son to stay with her, while they go on a long trip abroad. Her friend Emma doesn't help much with keeping a lid on things, as she is a social worker who is fascinated by the awfulness of these situations.
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