Con lo scopo di farlo partecipare a una gara di rally tra mostri, Dracula trasforma Shaggy in un lupo mannaro. Solo in caso di vittoria il conte è disposto a restituirgli le sue sembianze naturali.
Sammy a été transformé en loup-garou par le comte Dracula. Celui-ci fait un pacte : si Sammy participe et gagne le rallye des monstres, il pourra reprendre son apparence normale. Mais Dracula fait tout pour que Sammy, secondé par Scooby-Doo, Scrappy-Doo et Googie, perde la course.
- Scoubidou et le Rallye des Monstres
Nachdem sich sein Werwolf zur Ruhe setzt, will Dracula Shaggy als Ersatz. Er lockt Scooby, Shaggy und Googie in sein gruseliges Schloss, wo diese eklige Speisen essen müssen und Shaggy in einen Werwolf verwandelt wird. Um wieder der Alte zu werden, muss er das Monster Rally Autorennen gewinnen. Doch überall lauern Gefahren. Die Gang versucht alles, um Shaggy zum Sieg zu verhelfen. (Text: Boomerang)
Every year, all of the classic Hollywood monsters (consisting of Frankenstein's monster, his wife Bride of Frankenstein, a Imhotep, the Witch Sisters, Bone Jangles the Skeleton (undead), Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Swamp Thing, and Dragonfly) gather at Count Dracula's castle in Transylvania for the "Monster Road Rally", an ultimate road race similar to Wacky Races (1968 TV series), awarding the winner with the "Monster of the Year" award as well as many other prizes only monsters would enjoy (and one prize — a trip to Hawaii — that none of the monsters want). This year, however, Dracula receives a postcard from the Wolfman stating that he has retired to Florida and will not be participating.
É o "Grand Prix" da Transilvânia, o rali anual de todos os monstros, mas está faltando um lobisomem para preencher as regras da competição. Para a sorte dos participantes, o conde Drácula possui o poder de transformar um ser humano nesse monstro uma vez a cada cem anos e esta é a época correta.
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