16-åriga Maria kommer resande med tåg till storstaden Stockholm. Med stora ögon tittar hon ut i mörkret på stadens alla ljus, när tåget närmar sig Centralen. På Centralen försöker en ung man stjäla Marias väskor, men genom ingripande av Alfred Björk -- en känd skådespelare som Maria inte känner igen -- får hon dem tillbaka. Den unge mannen lyckas försvinna. En pressfotograf lockas av uppståndelsen och tar en bild av Maria och Björk.
Sixteen year old Maria arrives in Stockholm by train. She is going to stay with her aunt. At the Railway Station the young woman stumble on a lot of people and situations. Maria is from a small town. She has plans to settle in the big city. Maria is wise, fearless and strong-willed. And not easy to impress. At the railway station she meets Peter. A lost young man who at first tries to steal Marias bags. But later on presents a more friendly side of his personality. A famous old actor finds interest in Maria. He offers her a ride to her aunt and a tour of Stockholm. But Maria other plans. She intends to experience the city by a tram ride. On the tram she gets involved in a discussion about right and wrong with a Prosecutor. Later she reunites with Peter. Overall, the film is a presentation of a young woman's encounter with the big-city, people and nightlife.
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