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1 1 chaviano

To Watch

1 1 heartaem

Overall list of content I need to finish watching on TV Time

El Cid

1 5 vincent2n

Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar was a Castilian knight and warlord in medieval Spain. Fighting with both Christian and Muslim armies during his lifetime, he earned the Arabic honorific al-sīd, which would evolve into El Cid ("the lord"), and the Spanish honorific El Campeador ("the valiant").

The Draper's Tours Trilogy

1 3 cherzo

Madcap murderous mayhem, courtesy of Draper's Tours! Another chance to see Jason Cook's three murder-mystery spoofs starring Johnny Vegas and Sian Gibson.


1 1 Deleted User 2347698

my watchorder of adult swim

1 2 flurryware

this probably wont work

Largo Winch [Franchise]

1 5 toni kaku

Playboy TV

1 1 amused-to-death

Plex Server

1 1 LordOfTheRatz

Items that have been digitized and added to my plex server.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

1 1 Haley Mastronardi

SOKO Franchise

1 13 Imzadi


1 0 Superdaya


1 1 callmesonder

Tracking Anime Shows

Cutie Pie Universe

1 2 meimaste

Crime Patroi

1 1 lohongyei

Unknown content.

Chinese Tragedy Dramas To Watch

1 8 girlygirl9983

Genre Mix - sorrow / suffering / misfortune / tragic past / pitiful / trauma / loss of human life / many terrible events

The Three-Body Problem Adaptations

1 6 DetP

Film and TV adaptations of the novel The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin and the subsequent Remembrance of Earth's Past series.


1 1 Kim-Ly


1 1 ikkeveerlex

Demon Slayer

1 1 Archangelsforyou

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