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Miracle in Cell No. 7

1 5 giorgio evans

List of korean film "Miracle in Cell No. 7" and its international remakes.

Yankī [Genre]

1 3 toni kaku

Yankī is a type of delinquent youth in Japan.

Ken Burns

1 1 Mech_Man57

Documentaries created and/or produced by Ken Burns


1 2 djhitman

Cars Customization

1 1 toni kaku


1 6 vakarian92

Clarkson / Hammond / May

1 3 vincent2n

List of every shows hosted by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.

Trakt Library

1 2 koalas

Cinderella Disney Franchise

1 3 toni kaku

Disney's adaptations of "Cinderella, or The Little Glass Slipper" is a fairy tale by Charles Perrault.


1 1 MarTacos

3부 - 세계제국 몽골

1 0 KindDragon

-야만적인 유목민의 나라 몽골은 50년의 짧은 기간 동안 어떻게 전세계를 제패할 수 있었을까? 50년! 인구 10만도 안되는 변방의 유목민 집단에서 출발한 몽골제국이 세계를 정복하는데 걸린 시간이다. 그들은 어떻게 그토록 짧은 시간에 동쪽끝 한반도에서 서쪽끝 유럽까지 전세계를 지배하는 세계제국이 될 수 있었을까? 그리고 어떻게 그토록 짧은 시간에 야만적 유목민은 세계 최고수준의 기술력을 가지게 되었을까?

Brother/Sister Incest

1 1 toni kaku


1 1 snakebitey

My favorites

1 5 Deleted User 2247008

Blinky Bill

1 6 vincent2n

The Walking Dead

1 7 stephenbrannen

All current Walking Dead related shows

Look an Ahoge

1 18 toni kaku

Ahoge (アホ毛, アホげ), literally foolish hair, is a visual cue common to Japanese anime and manga. Consisting of a single cute, often long, lock of hair sticking out from the top of the head, it is most often used to identify foolish, bumbling or carefree characters.


1 1 chest069

Donald Duck

1 203 vincent2n

A list of every short, feature film and television show that Donald Duck has appeared in.

Mahabharat 2013

1 1 Nitvik

Bratz Franchise

1 19 laylachat

Bratz is a franchise that started with the Bratz line of anime-styled fashion dolls created by ex-Mattel employee Carter Bryant and produced by MGA Entertainment. The line eventually became popular enough to warrant a bunch of spin-off lines, several animated Direct-To-DVD movies, a short-lived cartoon series, and a live-action movie. They tend to focus on the four main girls; Cloe, Sasha, Yasmin, and Jade, and consistently their 'passion for fashion'.

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