An orphaned boy named Harry Potter discovers on his 11th birthday, that his deceased parents were powerful wizards and that he has been invited to attend the esteemed and mysterious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which opens up a world of wonders for young Harry.
Baby Assassins is an action-comedy franchise following the friendship and lives of teenage hitmen Chisato Sugimoto and Mahiro Fukagawa.
All entries, revivals, and spin-offs that are part of the Family Feud game show franchise in Australia.
One-Punch Man (Japanese: ワンパンマン, Hepburn: Wanpanman) is a Japanese superhero manga series created by One. It tells the story of Saitama, a superhero who, because he can defeat any opponent with a single punch, grows bored from a lack of challenge. One wrote the original webcomic manga version in early 2009.
Movies from a separate Universe from other movies of Marvel besides of this list
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