55歲的Andy經過多年努力,終於成為半個女人,在外型上找到真實的自己,卻失去家庭和工作,上天還把他最重要的朋友奪走,讓Andy生無可戀。 Andy在某日的工作途中,邂逅了蘇荷母子,一對沒有居留身分證的非法移工母子,一時同情心興起、收留了他們,不料卻改變了他的人生。他以為找到了這座大城裡唯一的溫暖,卻沒想到,當同事阿德出現,當一張彩票中了大獎,伴隨而來的卻是更多的醜惡、不堪,以及真相。現實煎熬,活著比死亡更需要勇氣。
靈魂末路,似幻似真… 著名集團董事長王世聰慘死家中,負責此案的檢察官梁文超(張震 飾)與妻子刑警阿爆(張鈞甯 飾)在調查過程中得知,死者多年的合作夥伴萬博士(李銘順 飾)、與前妻的兒子王天佑(林暉閔 飾)、年輕的新婚妻子李燕,甚至是死去的前妻,每個嫌疑人之間都有著錯綜複雜的關聯,隨著更多線索逐漸浮出水面,他們也逐漸發現了豪門血案背後隱藏的驚人秘密……。
故事講述賽車聯盟史上第一個女車手莉莉(昆凌 飾)、賽車模擬器宅男杜傑克(曹佑寧 飾)和過氣車王李一飛(范逸臣 飾)因機緣巧合下,各懷心事的三人成為了幫助LIONS車隊重回巔峰的「救命稻草」!但在合作中,他們卻矛盾頻出,再加上實力強勁的對手屢屢挑釁,讓他們的前路充滿未知。
故事描述新型病毒蔓延,全世界的人們對病毒逐漸麻木,沒人相信病毒的突變和濳藏危機即將到來。 俊喆和他的女友凱婷討論疫情何時結束,但生活還是一如往常。某天早上,俊喆騎車送凱婷去上班分開後,兩人分別目睹不明暴徒的襲擊事件:包括早餐店老闆被阿婆撲倒狂咬、隔壁鄰居拿著武器大街狂奔、各地的暴動事件頻傳,恐慌、尖叫聲在全城蔓延。遭感染的異常人類遍布,被虐殺的血腥畫面滿街都是,大狂殺恐怖襲來,誰能活下來?俊喆要如何殺出活路,拯救不知去向的心愛女友?
鱷魚魔術社的社長阿立(曾敬驊 飾演)發起了社團送舊趴,一行人有阿宏(劉修甫)、混混(謝章穎 飾演)、太妹(詹宛儒 飾演)、瑋薇(蔡宜真 飾演),以及下一任社長(李冠毅 飾演),大家搭上司機圓仔(應蔚民 飾演)的遊覽車,前往旺萊鄉遊玩。阿立希望藉此機會,去尋找旺萊鄉深山中,不為人知的山頂巨石「覔日」。傳說中只要找到「不見日」並許願,願望就可以實現。雖然有好心的在地人安姐(阿洛・卡力亭・巴奇辣 飾演)指路,但在渺無人煙且不斷迷路的路途上,一日遊變成了一趟奇幻冒險之旅。阿立是否可以帶領大家克服萬難,找到 「覔日」並完成心願呢? 本劇情短片為時裝設計師ANGUS CHIANG(江奕勳)首次跨界執導,作為ANGUS CHIANG在國際四大時裝周—巴黎時裝週的「第十季」作品,ANGUS CHIANG希望透過《ME》的故事傳達出勇往直前的精神:「這一路上除了與夥伴們的相互信任外,憑著信念也能找到你所相信的自己」。
There are always many spiritual stories in the army, and it is said that rookies will always encounter strange things at the post. The rookie soldier standing at the sentry not only couldn't go to the sentry, but also had to listen to the terrifying incidents that had happened before the senior. Plasma and anger are coming towards you. Being a soldier is daunting, but it is not only the people in the play who can't go down the sentry...
Androgynous Phoenix Du, the illicit daughter of a presidential candidate, kills the thug who breaks into her apartment to silence her. She comes before prosecutor Jade Liu, guilt-ridden from the suicide of her brother and her strict Catholic upbringing. Before demanding Phoenix’s three-and-a-half years sentence for manslaughter, Jade has a night of passion with her that redirects both their lives. Phoenix writes her hundreds of letters and begs her to wait for her release. In fear of her own desire, Jade marries Meng Ye, the genderless young man she saved from prison who reminds her of her brother…
討債流氓阿成(邱澤 飾),看似兇狠,卻有顆柔軟的心。在一次討債過程中,他對債主女兒浩婷(許瑋甯 飾)一見鐘情,提出用「塗鴉合約」,以吃飯、散步的方式來抵銷她們家的債務。 這種吊兒啷噹的態度,顛覆了浩婷的世界,兩人完全不對盤的個性,究竟會擦出怎麼樣的火花?
A choir conductor who can’t read the staff, a music substitute teacher who wanders around, and a group of aboriginal children with pentatonic incompleteness, have a chance to win the choir competition and avoid the fate of being abolished by the school?
With a week before final exams and summer vacation, a substitute teacher must prove himself worthy of rehiring.
Three months ago, Archer lost his memories in a car accident. One day, his girlfriend, Jenny, goes missing. As he and a reporter named Nick investigate into Jenny's disappearance, Archer realizes that nothing is as it seems.
鱷魚這種動物,只要確定了目標就會緊咬不放。 立志成為鱷魚的「小魚」,17歲就為了義氣走上歪路,回歸社會後,他加入大哥的議員辦公室。被指派去做里民服務的他,為令人頭痛的青農陳芝平處理農地水源問題,偏偏陳芝平的地就是整片農地裡唯一不願意被徵收的釘子戶,隨著灌溉水源被切斷,堅守家園的她只能四處陳情,卻處處碰壁。難搞的青農遇上初出社會的從良小混混,摩擦中誕生的革命情感,竟意外成為彼此寂寞的心靈寄託。 集結了金獎演員李康生、李心潔與柯震東,導演陳大璞從一起少年殺手槍殺地方角頭而入獄服刑的社會事件,以反差的角色處境與詼諧的敘事風格,刻寫力爭上游卻陷入愛情與事業掙扎的「小魚」,如何從寫實的農田問題到不知不覺發生的愛情選擇題中,貫徹緊咬不放的精神,搖身蛻變成一尾能翻江倒海的「鱷魚」!
解不了的謎,破不了的案,就靠…靈語 刑警志凱(是元介飾)奉命調查一起無名兒童連環箱屍命案,同時,他在國小任教的姊姊美珍(吳可熙飾)在放學時發現女兒慘遭歹徒綁架,志凱與搭檔嘉強(禾浩辰飾)私下展開緊急救人行動。在查案過程中循線追蹤到美珍的前鄰居明城(鄭人碩飾)與慧嵐(楊丞琳飾),意外發現他們的女兒也已經失蹤一年,案情膠著找不到任何線索,幾乎成了破不了的懸案,兩起看似毫無關聯的案件背後似乎隱藏驚人的連結。時間一分一秒過去,外甥女命在旦夕、連續箱屍命案案情撲朔迷離,只有鬼魂知道真相,走投無路的志凱只能求助師姑曾白石(丁寧飾),她擁有特殊體質能夠接收「靈語」,而一樁樁懸案的關鍵線索,是否能借助「靈語」抽絲剝繭找到駭人真相…。
While quarantining, the relationship between a mother and daughter takes an unexpected turn.
電影劇情描述黑警鋒哥(陳柏霖 飾)要在48小時內找回被兄弟小強(侯彥西 飾)黑吃黑的鑽石贓物,他循著手機訊號來到某村莊,卻怎麼也找不到對方。在詭異氣氛下,與徐伯(陳以文 飾)為首的村民,展開一連串心戰與鬥智,局面陷入混亂時,竟還有女鬼(陳意涵 飾)來搗亂,情節詭譎之餘又有許多突如其來的笑點貫穿全片。
在夜色天堂裡遇見你,是我販賣情愛的救贖… 為改善鄉下家人的生活,梁飛來到城市成為性工作者,並與同業曉來成為戀人。 在一次工作中,梁飛被客人傷害,曉來為了替飛報仇,一場意外從此讓二人便斷了聯繫。五年後,飛在另個城市重新站穩腳步,同事們卻紛紛因社會壓力離開這個圈子。飛回到老家探望重病的外公,發現家人花著他寄回來的錢,內心卻隱隱以他賣娼為恥,唯有青梅竹馬的阿龍,給飛安慰。回到城市後不久,龍投奔飛而來,並選擇同樣成為男妓。兩人很快墜入愛河,飛卻在這時與已經結婚生子的曉來不期而遇,周旋在曉來和龍之間的梁飛,究竟該如何自處?他還能找回當時的那份初衷嗎?
Aaron, who was struck by lightning, came to the underworld, and all his memories were returned to zero. He must make a choice: reincarnate but may become a snail; or hold a priesthood to accumulate yin virtue and reincarnate as a human being? Aaron decides to become a freshman in Yuelao. He partnered with Pinky, an explosive pink lady, and came to the world to perform tasks. When Aaron met the dog Alu and his master, Mi, his previous life His memories are back, and Xiao Mi is his love during his lifetime. Aaron hopes to help Xiao Mi in Yang Jian find a new marriage, but every red thread tied to Xiao Mi's hand is actually burned! It turns out that some things will not change in ten thousand years. At the same time, Guitoucheng, who fled from the underworld to the world, embarked on a bloody revenge action, looking for the horse thief brother who betrayed and killed him five hundred years ago. While Aaron was still cheering for Mi's failure to tie the red line, Guitoucheng regarded Mi as the next target to be destroyed...
YANG Shi-Nan (Lily LEE) is a 14-year-old boy who undergoes a metamorphosis without realising what is going on. It begins on a normal school day when he gets stomach cramps. After rushing to the toilet he notices that his urine is turning bloody red. Taken to a doctor he is diagnosed with "Disorders of Sex Development," or intersex. Without consulting him, Shi-Nan's parents decide to accept "sex reassignment surgery", turning Shi-Nan into a female and changing her name to Shi-Lan. The family moves to a new city to start a new life and it all seems to be going well as Shi-Lan blends in and even makes friends. It seems like the butterfly is about to break out of its chrysalis but can Shi-Lan truly embrace her transformation?
2003年,移民美國五年的莉莉(林嘉欣 飾)抱病帶著兩個女兒芳儀(方郁婷 飾)、芳安(林品彤 飾)從洛杉磯回到台灣,與聚少離多的丈夫宗輝(莊凱勛 飾)團聚。芳儀因中文障礙成績落後,被同學戲稱為「美國女孩」。一心渴望返美的芳儀與母親莉莉衝突不斷,導致家庭成員之間關係緊張,並隨著SARS疫情的爆發來到高峰。
A group of young and spoiled rich kids turn into vampires after a night out, changing the course of their lives and driving a wedge between them all.
Female student Lin Meishan disappeared after attending the Gongliao Ocean Music Festival. Her father, after searching for his daughter unsuccessfully for many days, decided to turn to a supernatural power.