Anime series that use the universe of "the noble Art" as an important part of their plot.
Joe, a teenage orphan in the slums of the Doya streets, meets Danpei, a homeless, alcoholic ex-boxing coach. Danpei, seeing Joe`s boxing talent, decides to train him. When Joe is sent to a terrible juvenile home for petty crimes, he meets Rikiishi who becomes his boxing rival. Danpei arrives at the home to help Joe to train in order to defeat Rikiishi. When Joe decides to seriously pursue boxing, Danpei cannot get a coaching license because of his reputation as a drunk.
主人公幕之内一歩は、母親と二人暮らしの高校生。 小さいころから実家の経営する釣り舟屋を手伝う、健気な孝行息子である。やさしい性格だがいじめられやすく、帰宅途中はいつもいじめに合う。しかし、ある日偶然通りがかったプロボクサー「鷹村守」に助けられ、ボクシングの魅力にとりつかれてしまう。日ごろ「もっと強くなりたい」と願っていた一歩は、ひたすらに努力を重ね、プロボクサーになっていく。