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The Valencian Corporation of Media (in valencian: Corporació Valenciana de Mitjans de Comunicació - CVMC) is a public entity with its own legal personality whose purpose is to meet the information, cultural, educational, and entertainment needs of the citizens and society of the Valencian Community. This organization was established on July 15, 2016, through Law 6/2016, of July 15, on the public service of regional broadcasting and television, owned by the Generalitat.

English català español
  • ID 1422
  • Country Spain
  • Primary Type Network
  • Created September 11, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 3, 2023 by
L'Alqueria Blanca
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La ley del mar
Diumenge, paella
Bambant per casa
València, Califòrnia
Ara fa cent anys
València, capital de la República
Castelló Rock City
Teixim llaços des del sud del sud
No s'apaguen les estreles
Bosch i Morata: sempre els quatre