Two unexpected guests bump into Michiru, Chika's father and sister, Yuri and Momoka, respectively. What surprises Michiru more is that Chika's family is actually a very cheery bunch. Meanwhile, Shito meets up with a man whom he seems to dislike. This person calls him a monster, and tells him that he should not be making friends. Later, Michiru, Chika, and Shito are given a mission to hunt a zombie, but while they are searching, Michiru brings up something that she found in Shito's room. Because of this, Shito gets angry, which is when the two boys get into a fist fight. Shito leaves them, and soon after, a chainsaw suddenly pierces through his stomach.
Dos invitados inesperados encuentran con Michiru, el padre y la hermana de Chika, Yuri y Momoka, respectivamente. Lo que sorprende a Michiru es más que la familia de Chika es en realidad un grupo muy alegre. Mientras tanto, Shito se encuentra con un hombre al que parece que no les gusta.