Zoe is majorly naughty, right bang on ‘Treasure Hunt Day’! One thing’s for sure: she’s going to be banned from the fun as a punishment. So, when Mariponpon gets wrongly accused for the transgression, Zoe refrains from offering up the truth on the grounds that Mariponpon never gets punished for anything anyway! Only, this time – for the first time ever – Misses Glutton decides to reprimand her daughter! Confronted with her ‘bestest friend’s’ despair at being unjustly deprived of ‘Treasure Hunt’ fun, Zoe is filled with remorse. But will this incite her to set the record straight and tell the truth?…
Zoé fait une bêtise. De peur d'être punie et de ne pouvoir se rendre à la chasse au trésor, elle laisse Mariponpon être accusée à tort...