Folgore, Kanchome, and Dr. Riddles continue their journey in the ruins. Elsewhere Kiyo realizes that stars become less accurate the further the noise is from the ceiling and that the stars rotate in a circle. Kiyo then jumps into the centre of the orbit and destroys the floor with "Zakeruga", It is revealed the supreme Mamodo Pamoon is their opponent. Kiyo uses "Zaker" on the book owner, but it is easily blocked by Pamoon's stars. Sunbeam tells Kiyo and Zatch to look into the enemy's eyes, instead of the stars, to dodge his attacks. Pamoon then asks Kiyo if he was the human who did weird things to him. Kiyo realizes that Pamoon was the stone tablet he bought. Pamoon, angered by Kiyo's past deed, continues his attacks. Kiyo asks him why did he side with Zofis if he was so powerful. Pamoon remembers seeing Zofis turning a Mamodo into stone again and tells Kiyo he will show the strength fear creates.
Kiyo distrugge il pavimento con "Zakeruga", rivela così la sua presenza il mamodo Pamoon. Pamoon si ricorda che Kiyo era quell'umano che gli ha fatto delle cose strane quando era un blocco di pietra, così inizia ad attaccarli.
Folgore, Kanchome, y el Dr. Adivinanzas continúan su viaje en las ruinas. En otros lugares Kiyo se da cuenta de que las estrellas se vuelven menos precisos cuanto más el ruido es del techo y que las estrellas giran en un círculo. Kiyo luego salta en el centro de la órbita y destruye el suelo con "Zakeruga", se revela la suprema Mamodo Pamoon es su oponente.