Kiyo and Zatch are at the park playing. They decide to play a game of Kick the can, where the person who is "it" must protect their can and catch the other players who are hiding. Zatch is "it" and he must search for Kiyo, Suzy, and Ponygon. Zatch instead finds Kiyo's other friends and drags them into the game. Kiyo decides to be "it" and manages to find everyone but Zatch. Soon Zatch races against Kiyo to reach the can, but he is run over by Naomi and her toy car. As Kiyo's friends leave, Penny appears from the sky with her three mamodo minions, in order to burn Zatch's book. She reveals her minions are Mamodos from a thousand years ago.
Zatch e Kiyo giocano a calcia il barattolo insieme a Suzy e Ponygon, quando durante la partita si aggiungono sempre più persone.
Kiyo y Zatch se encuentran en el parque jugando. Ellos deciden jugar un juego de patear la lata , cuando la persona que es "él" debe proteger su lata y atrapar a los otros jugadores que están escondidos. Zatch es "él" y tiene que buscar Kiyo, Suzy, y Ponygon .
密林地帯の戦闘で、石版から復活を遂げた千年前の魔物が圧倒的な強さを発揮している頃、日本では清麿とガッシュが公園で電車ごっこをしていた。清麿が引きずり回されてボロボロになるのもお構いなしに、ガッシュはとんでもないスピードで公園内を大疾走! 鈴芽とウマゴンもやってきて、みんなで遊ぶことになる。