After Zatch and Ponygon damage the gate in front of Kiyo's home, Kiyo goes to the store to buy supplies to fix it. While there, Suzy is almost hit by a car but is saved by a stranger and his Mamodo. Kiyo follows him and realizing that he's a good person, decides to avoid a battle. The stranger reveals that he knows Kiyo is a book owner. They talk and Kiyo learns that Apollo and his Mamodo is Rops have been avoiding battles whenever possible. Apollo becomes interested in Kiyo's story and challenges Kiyo to a battle. Apollo tells Kiyo to meet him in two hours with his Mamodo. Zatch when unable to fix the broken gate himself, runs away and wonders whether he should return to the Mamodo world as he is just a nuisance to Kiyo. Zatch meets Lori who reminds him of his goal to become a kind king. Kiyo finds Zatch and they begin their battle with Apollo. Apollo gains the upper hand when he knocks Kiyo's book out of his hands and threatens to burn it.
Mentre Kiyo sta andando ad un negozio, Suzy sta per essere investita da una macchina, ma viene salvata da un ragazzo e un Mamodo. Kiyo li segue e scopre che il ragazzo si chiama Apollo e il Mamodo Rops e che sono solo interessati a viaggiare.
Después de Zatch y Ponygon dañan la puerta frente a la casa de Kiyo, Kiyo va a la tienda para comprar suministros para solucionarlo. Una vez allí, Suzy es casi atropellado por un coche, pero es salvado por un extraño y su Mamodo. Kiyo le sigue y darse cuenta de que es una buena persona, decide evitar una batalla.
買い物に出かけた清麿。帰り道、清麿の姿を見かけた鈴芽が、 赤信号の横断歩道を渡ってくる。迫り来る自動車! 清麿が助けようと車道に飛び出した瞬間、呪文の声が響いた。 何本もの鍵爪のついたロープが自動車を持ち上げ、鈴芽を救う。そこには魔物の子と、空色の魔本を手にした金髪の青年がいた。