In England, Zatch and Kiyo run into Kanchome who asks for their assistance in finding Folgore. Using Zatch's nose, they track down Folgore by his scent. During their search, Kiyo meets Suzy, Megumi, and Tia who happens to be in England too. Zatch's nose leads them to a candy shop, a flower shop, and a toy store. The search ends when they find Folgore at a hospital with Suzy. Kiyo thinking that Folgore groped Suzy like he did to the women in the stores he visited, proceeds to attack him with "Zaker". Folgore manages to outrun Kiyo and meets his appointment in the hospital where it is revealed Folgore was buying gifts for sick children. Kiyo, realizing that Folgore is a good person, tells him to make it to the end of the Mamodo battle. While heading to meet his father, Kiyo's luggage is stolen by a thief.
Kiyo e Zatch arrivano a Londra per andare a trovare il padre, ma incontrano Kanchome, che è disperatamente in cerca di Folgore.
En Inglaterra, Zatch y Kiyo encuentran con Kanchome que pregunta por su ayuda en la búsqueda de Folgore. El uso de la nariz de Zatch, que rastrean Folgore por su olor. Durante su búsqueda, Kiyo conoce a Suzy, Megumi, y Tia que pasa a ser en Inglaterra también.