У входа в больницу избитой и изнасилованной найдена 18-летняя фотомодель Илона Широкова. Кроме тяжких повреждений врачи диагностировали критическое содержание амфетамина в ее крови. Известно, что накануне пострадавшая принимала участие в фотосессии, устроенной модельным агентством.
18-year-old fashion model Ilona Shirokova was found beaten and raped at the entrance to the hospital. In addition to serious injuries, doctors diagnosed a critical content of amphetamine in her blood. It is known that the day before, the victim took part in a photo session organized by a modeling agency. But Ilona was kicked out of the shooting, accusing her of being overweight. Model Nadine Pavlikova left with her that day. Her second girl's body was found near a nightclub.