Vor Tausenden von Jahren herrschte Krieg zwischen der Geisterwelt und der Welt der Dämonen. Die Dämonen unterlagen und wurden verbannt. Nun ist die Bedrohung zurückgekehrt und der Detektiv der Geisterwelt Yusuke und seine Gefährten müssen verhindern, dass der Dämonenkönig Yakumo die Sphäre der Hölle in seine Finger bekommt. Ein verzweifelter Wettlauf gegen die Zeit beginnt …
The story begins in the Spirit World, where the River Styx is overflowing, due to a tsunami. But as Koenma looks out his window he can tell this is no ordinary storm. The floodwaters continue to rise, and just before they become too much for Koenma he gives a mysterious item to Botan, and tells her to give it to Yusuke Urameshi. But Botan gets hurt badly and barely makes it to Yusuke. Botan is too weak to give Yusuke the item. Throughout most of the movie she’s unconscious and is unable to do anything, while a great evil is surfacing. The storm was apparently caused by the forces of the Netherworld, which was banished into cold space ages ago. All this happens pretty quickly, and so does the fighting. We get to see Yusuke and the others do their signature attacks, against some of their toughest opponents yet. To restore balance in the now flooded Spirit world, Yusuke and the others must track down five spots on Earth that contain a large amount of spiritual energy. But their simple plans get turned upside down when the ruler of the Netherworld, Yakumo, and his three henchmen decide to use the same energy for evil. So, the race begins to save the Spirit World, and now the Human World as well.
Yakumo, monarque déchu du Royaume des Ombres arrive sur Terre pour ouvrir les cinq portes. Les éléments sacrés qu'elles enferment lui serviront à faire renaître son univers. Banni après avoir perdu la guerre contre le Royaume des Morts, le temps de la vengeance est enfin arrivé. Yusuke et ses amis, prévenus du danger par Botan, parviendront-ils à contrer les plans de Yakumo ?
O Mundo Espiritual é atacado por uma forte enchente, arrasando com o lugar, causada por Yakumo, o rei de Meikai, um mundo paralelo ao Mundo Espiritual, que deixou de existir graças ao poder do Rei Enma.
Botan então foge ferida para o mundo dos humanos com o objeto que é preciso para Meikai retornar.
Yakumo consegue sequestrar Botan, então Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei e Kurama vão a luta, para salvar Botan e a Terra.
La historia comienza en el Mundo de los Espíritus, donde el río Styx se desborda debido a un tsunami. Pero cuando Koenma mira por la ventana, se da cuenta de que no se trata de una tormenta cualquiera. Las aguas de la inundación continúan aumentando, y justo antes de que se vuelvan demasiado para Koenma, le da un objeto misterioso a Botan y le dice que se lo dé a Yusuke Urameshi.
Quando il Mondo degli Spiriti viene allagato a causa di un’insolita pioggia che inonda il fiume Sanzu, il Piccolo Enma avverte la presenza di un nemico estremamente potente, e incarica Botan di consegnare a Yusuke un misterioso oggetto che deve essere protetto ad ogni costo dal nemico invasore…