Den City is the city where the newest network technology was developed. There we have the LINK VRAINS, a cyberspace managed by the SOL Technologies Inc. where people Duel night and day. Our protagonist, Yusaku Fujiki, is a cool student with excellent observation abilities. In order to defeat a group who plans to ruin the LINK VRAINS, the Knights of Hanoi, he transforms into his avatar Playmaker and Duels them. One day, Yusaku gets the information that SOL Technology is desperately searching for: a mysterious lifeform with the help of Shoichi Kusanagi, a hacker who shares Yusaku's goals. Noticing the Knights of Hanoi are also after it, Yusaku prepares a trap and plans his capture strategies...
最新のネットワークが発達した都市「Den City」。そこでは、「SOLテクノロジー社」が管理するVR空間「LINK VRAINS」で、人びとが日夜デュエルをしていた。
主人公・藤木遊作は、すぐれた観察眼を持ったクールな高校生。「LINK VRAINS」の崩壊をたくらむ「ハノイの騎士」を倒すため、自身のアバターである「Playmaker」に変身して人知れずデュエルを繰り広げていた。
Um misterioso grupo de hackers, os Cavaleiros de Hanoi, aparece na rede Link VRAINS e carrega a chave para resolver os diversos segredos que envolvem a perda de memória de Yusaku Fujiki. Enquanto isso, uma Inteligência Artificial foge do Ciberverso, sendo perseguida pela SOL Technologies.
Un joven duelista llamado Playmaker se enfrenta en LINK VRAINS a los Caballeros de Hanoi y a SOL Technologies, quienes buscan una IA desaparecida en la red cinco años atrás. Para Yusaku, la verdadera identidad de Playmaker, encontrar dicha IA puede suponer una oportunidad de vencer a sus enemigos.