With Dartz finally defeated, Yugi and his friends are taking a well-deserved break. However, it doesn't last long, as everyone realizes that they have no way to get back to Domino. Luckily, Mokuba arrives to say that if they participate in Kaiba Corporation’s new tournament, they will get a free ride home. Yugi, Joey, and Rebecca each receive their formal invitations and Mokuba and Roland fly the gang to Kaiba Land. There, they enter the Kaiba Dome, where there is a huge dueling arena where duelists can challenge an expert duel computer.
In the dome, Yugi and his friends meet Leon Wilson, a boy who has idolized Yugi since he won Duelist Kingdom, and Rick, a boy with an unbalanced deck consisting of mostly Dragon cards. Yugi gives him one of his Magic cards, and Rick decides to challenge the duel computer. But right when he does, a mysterious man hacks into Kaiba Corporation’s computer system and shuts and locks all the doors out of the main arena, and programs the duel computer to not open the doors unless someone defeats the duel computer. Rick has no chance to defeat the computer on its highest setting, so Yami steps in to duel, but can even the King of Games win with an unbalanced and weak deck?
Alors que Yugi et ses amis pensaient enfin pouvoir prendre un repos bien mérité, Makuba vient leur annoncer que son frère organise un nouveau tournoi : le Tournoi Ultime !
Justo después de su victoria, cuando quería descansar, Yugi y sus amigos son visitados por Mokuba, quien se ofrece a llevarlos a casa, con la condición de que Yugi, Joey y Rebeca participen en el nuevo torneo Kaiba.
Yugi und seine Freunde haben die Welt vor Dartz und seinem Riesendrachen Leviathan gerettet. Doch sie sehen sich schon mit der nächsten Herausforderung konfrontiert. Wie werden sie nach Hause kommen, wo sie doch kein Geld haben!?! Zum Glück, hat Kaiba einen Plan… aber da gibt es noch einen Haken! Es ist Zeit für die große KC Wettkampf.
بعد هزيمة دارتز أخيرًا، أخذ يوغي وأصدقاؤه استراحة عن جدارة. ومع ذلك، فإنها لا تدوم طويلاً، حيث يدرك الجميع أنه ليس لديهم طريقة للعودة إلى مدينة الدومينو. لحسن الحظ، وصل موكوبا ليقول إنهم إذا شاركوا في بطولة مؤسسة كايبا الجديدة، فسيحصلون على رحلة مجانية إلى المنزل.
Yugi e seus amigos são convidados a participar o Toneio KC organizado pela Kaiba Corporation, mas eles dão de cara com um problema e ficam presos no estádio.