Jaden and Jesse form a tag team and start their duel against Fujiwara, who deploys Clear World and activates Negative Effect, launching a powerful attack against Jaden using a combo of his monsters. However, Jaden avoids disaster with Jesse backing him up. A furious Fujiwara, grasping the fact that he cannot win unless he severs Jaden and Jesse's bonds, has peeped into Jesse's mind in search of the darkness in his heart.
Velo Nocturno comienza una batalla real contra Jaden y Jesse. Jaden se compromete a salvar a Yusuke Fujiwara de la oscuridad de Velo Nocturno en nombre de Honesto y lucha junto a Jesse para lograrlo. Durante el Duelo, ambos deben enfrentar a los monstruos "Transparente" de Fujiwawa y sus poderosos efectos, al mismo tiempo que este intenta ponerlos uno en contra del otro.