Der hypnotisierte Ojin bringt den Satelliten in Position, der die gesamte Menschheit manipulieren soll. Der, von einem Alien besessene, Sartorius kämpft weiter in einem Duell gegen Jaden und merkt, dass Jaden tatsächlich das Schicksal beeinflussen kann.
Sartorius, controlled by the Wave of Light, activates the Field Spell Card [Light Boundary]. This Boundary has an adverse effect on the Card Spirits and Jaden's monsters are drove in it. Then, Sartorius summons Arcana Force [The World] and sticks it on Jaden. Meanwhile, Prince Orgene, controlled by the evil Sartorius, obtains two keys for the Laser Satellite and makes it mobile. Kenzan's already too late in his attempts to stop it, as the Laser Satellite has set it sights on Earth and fired just as planned....
A Jaden se le muestra una inquietante visión del destino de nuestro planeta si él pierde contra la Luz de la Destrucción.