Der Sieger im Duell zwischen Jack Atlas und Yuya steht fest. Zuzu möchte ihrem besiegten Freund Yuya Trost spenden. Doch plötzlich sieht sie sich von Beamten des Sicherheitsdienstes umgeben. Am nächsten Morgen erwacht Yuya in einem Penthouse. In diesem sind alle Teilnehmer des Freundschaftscups eingesperrt.
Yuya keeps thinking about the words Jack said to him: "Your Duels are nothing but self-satisfaction only!" And then, appearing before Yuya, is a teenage boy with a card in his hand. Later on, in the Duel Palace where the Friendship Cup is held, the participants are introduced one by one. On the other hand Zuzu, whom is worried about Yuya after his defeat, is in danger as she is surrounded by Security!
Mentre la Coppa dell'Amicizia si avvicina, Yuya riflette sul fatto che il suo stile di duello non riesca a conquistare le persone, e medita pertanto di cambiare il suo percorso.