Nachdem Yuya, Crow und Gongs Gruppe gefangen genommen wurden, werden sie in dieselbe Haftanstalt gebracht. Lediglich Celina konnte den Fängen des Sicherheitsdienstes entkommen. Wie die Freunde schnell bemerken, dienen Duellkarten als Währung, um eine bevorzugte Behandlung in der Haftanstalt zu bekommen. Auch der Gangsterboss, Chojiro Tokumatsu ist in diese Machenschaften involviert.
Yuya and his friends were captured by Security and taken to the Facility that everyone fears, with the rumor that once you're in, there's no way out. Yuya, who is worried about the missing Reira, is reunited with his fellow Lancers. But the rejoice is short lived as they find a Duelist who controls all prison guards and prisoners waiting for them.
Yuya comprende ben presto le regole della prigione nel modo più duro: uno scontro con il duellante più pericoloso di tutti, il Kingpin!