Nachdem die Arc-Liga-Meisterschaft beendet wurde, erzählt Henrietta den Teilnehmern, was wirklich passiert ist. Sie sagt, dass die Lancers Helden sind, die die Stadt Paradise City beschützen und ermutigt die Teilnehmer sich der Gruppierung anzuschließen. Währenddessen erkennt Yoko das aufgewühlte Gemüt ihres Sohnes und fordert ihn zu einem Duell heraus.
Following the closing of the Battle Royale, Henrietta reveals to the audience the truth about what is happening. She announces the Lancers are heroes that will protect Maiami City and encourages others to join them. Later, after Yuya informs Skip and Yoko about what happened to Zuzu, Yoko notices Yuya's wavering behavior. Yoko challenges Yuya to a duel, and she revealed she was once the leader of a woman's dueling gang. When a rival gang took one of her friends hostage, it was Yusho who showed her the importance of fun dueling. Yoko hopes to teach this lesson to Yuya in her duel.
Yuya, come membro dei Lancieri e come Duellante, decide di salvare Zuzu a tutti i costi. Allo stesso tempo, Henrietta, la madre di Declan, annuncia a tutta la città la cancellazione del grande torneo.