Die Arc-Liga-Meisterschaft ist beendet. Wie sich herausstellt, war das Turnier nur ein Vorwand, um neue, würdige Mitglieder für die Lancers zu finden. Yuya befürchtet, dass auch Zuzu gefangen genommen wurde. In seinem Zorn fordert er Declan zu einem Duell heraus. Unterdessen bestätigt Shay die Annahmen von Celina und Zuzu über den Angriff der Duell Academy auf die Xyz-Dimension.
Yuya, angered by hearing the Battle Royale was just a testing ground and fearing Zuzu has been caught just like the others, challenges Declan to a duel. As Declan brings out his D/D/D Monsters, Selena talks to Shay, who confirms that everything Zuzu had told her about Duel Academy's attack on the Xyz Dimension is true. Yuya brings out Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, but Declan manages to withstand his attack, stating he must become stronger if he wants to save Zuzu.
Yuya è furioso dopo aver saputo che la Battle Royal era solo un banco di prova per determinare duellanti degni di diventare membri dei Lancieri. Teme che Zuzu sia stato preso come gli altri. Nella sua rabbia, Yuya sfida Declan a duello.