Zuzu schaut zu, wie sich Dennis und Celine duellieren, und verwechselt dabei etwas. Derweil stellt Yuya die Einsatztruppe Obelisk zur Rede und will sie für ihre Taten bestrafen. Während des Kampfes sieht es nicht gut aus für Yuya, doch plötzlich springt ihn etwas an, und er entwickelt ungeahnte Kräfte.
Selena, believing Dennis to be a survivor of the Xyz Dimension, challenges him to a duel, while Sora and Shay begin their duel. Meanwhile, Yuya, shocked after seeing the Obelisk Force turn the Knights of Duel into cards, once again becomes possessed by Yuto's dark side and challenges the Obelisk Force. After Selena beats Dennis, who didn't want to use Xyz monsters and cause a misunderstanding, she and Zuzu are approached by Obelisk Force soldiers but are aided by the arrival of Declan's team of Youth duelists. Meanwhile, Yuya brings out Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon against the Obelisk Force, just as Gong and Mieru come across him.
Yuya affronta un terrificante trio proveniente dalla Dimensione Fusione, che trasforma le loro vittime in carte!