Yuya tritt gegen Sylvio an und wird schnell von seinem Gegner in die Ecke gedrängt. Doch ist Sylvio wirklich der Stärkere von beiden?
Yuya duels against Silvio, who brings out a new Yousen deck to cause problems for Yuya. To Yuya's surprise, Silvio brings out his own Pendulum monsters and Pendulum Summons Mayosenju Daibak, and uses its ability to return Yuya's Pendulum Cards and Monsters to his deck. Despite being backed into a corner, Yuya remains excited and pushes onward.
Sylvio ha finalmente la possibilità di battere Yuya: un mazzo pieno di carte Pendulum! I giorni di Yuya sotto i riflettori potrebbero essere finiti?