Yuya muss erkennen, dass er noch nicht so weit ist, um an den Meisterschaften der Junior-ARC-Liga teilzunehmen, was ihn sehr frustriert. Doch ihm bleibt keine Zeit, enttäuscht zu sein, denn ein Überfall auf Professor Marco versetzt die ganze Schule in Aufregung. Zuzu hat einen Verdacht, wer etwas mit dem Verschwinden des Professors zu tun haben könnte …
After a brief encounter with Shingo, who informs him of the other attack by an Xyz user, Yuya realises that in order to become a pro duelist, he needs to increase his winning percentage in order to qualify for the Junior Youth Championship. However, Yuya struggles to find four other duelists willing to duel against him and refuses to ask Gongenzaka for help as he wants to become a pro with his own strength. Ishijima's former manager, Nico Smiley, offers to give Yuya automatic entry into the championship, but Yuya once again refuses, instead asking that he find four opponents to fairly fight against. Meanwhile, as Masumi, Yaiba, and Hokuto try to investigate what happened to Marco, Yuzu asks Sora to teach her Fusion Summoning so she can grow stronger against Masumi. Just then, the mysterious Xyz user appears before them, but before either Sora or Masumi can duel against him, Yuzu's bracelet glows again and the duelist vanishes. As Yuya appeared Masumi accused him for siding with the mysterious duelist, as Yuzu attempted to calm her Sora managed to fool her by telling where the mysterious duelist went. The episode ends, as the unknown figure appeared outside the LDS building presumably beginning for an attack.
Dopo la bruciante sconfitta contro l'Istituto Leo, Zuzu chiede aiuto a un misterioso ragazzo: Sora! Ma prima che inizi il suo allenamento, si presenta una sconosciuta dall'aspetto familiare che interrompe la lezione!