Das Duell zwischen Yuya und Declan sorgt für Aufsehen in der Akademie. Beide kämpfen fair aber dennoch ehrgeizig und wenden ausgefeilte Techniken an. Besonders Declan beeindruckt alle mit seinen Beschwörungsmethoden. Dass er dann auch noch eine Pendel-Beschwörung durchführt, lässt alle staunen. Doch dann bricht Declan das Duell plötzlich wegen eines Notfalls ab …
Yuya uses a Pendulum Summon to bring out Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon and destroy all of Reiji's monsters. However, Yuya becomes shocked when Reiji manages to perform his own Pendulum Summon, bringing out three DDD Infernal Armageddon the Great Des Lords and dealing a lot of damage to Yuya. Yuya attempts a counter attack, but is thwarted by Infernal Armageddon's effect. When Reiji's turn arrives, his prototype Pendulum Monsters malfunction and disrupt the Pendulum Scale, limiting the monsters he can summon. Before Reiji can take advantage of the situation however, he hears some sudden news from one of LDS' staff and decides to forfeit the duel.
Declan ha in serbo una sorpresa che potrebbe far pendere il duello a proprio vantaggio! Yuya sconfiggerà il meglio che l'istituto Leo ha da offrire o il mazzo di Declan si rivelerà imbattibile?